Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Festival de Mascaradas 3/29

Although I go to school in Heredia, I live in a town just north called Barva, known to have some special local flare especially through its local customs, such as the Festival de Mascaradas. Think: the pictures of the heads on the street signs that I uploaded earlier this semester aka this guy:

So the Festival de Mascaradas is an annual festival, basically where people bring their crazy masks out and dance around with them in Central Park. 

The masks are super intense, hand made, and have a lot of detail. Lots of work clearly goes into them, especially because I believe there is a winner of who has the best mask at the end of every festival.
Around Central Park there were GIANT heads, and here I am with my friend Ryan being disrespectful but kinda funny...

Some heads were scary looking, some were of real people's faces, some of movie/tv characters... very strange but fun!
 A little scary....
Faces of probably important people who I do not know:
 Dance scene!
One of the mask dancers trying to prove to a little kid that he's really not as scary as the thing on his head is:

Now this one is possibly the weirdest, although I'm sure it has some sort of cultural significance, but I do not understand it whatsoever. Huge half-horse-faced woman with one boob sticking out:

The women masks were huge!

There was a band playing music onstage, and people would rotate through their masks and have different ones coming out to dance. We hung out for a while to watch the craziness:

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